internet for everybody!
scansion mockup.png


internet for everybody!

Equity, inclusivity, and accessibility are the cornerstones of what I do professionally and privately. Striving for a just, loving world matters deeply to me; any way I can use my skills to be a part of that is a win. I do my best work on projects I feel good about, projects that demonstrate an ethic of care and compassion. I believe strongly in representation of marginalized identities in both copy and content, not just slapping on stock photos and calling it ‘diversity.’ To that end: usability, to me, doesn’t just emphasize function. Design content should be accessible and engaging across several different dis/abilities, neurotypes, and social strata. Finally, I do my best to make my work simple and sleek while still retaining an engaging visual center; I favor neither minimalism nor maximalism.

Explore a couple portfolio samples below, check out my resume, or write me for more information on my design work.

A brown-skinned person holds a trans flag in their hand. The text on the image reads: "Trans 101 | A workplace guide for allies, colleagues, and managers of transgender employees."
A digital flyer about HIV/AIDS and serophobia.
iPhone mockup of UX sample app, Scansion, with menu buttons